梅雨 町並み – Wet season



We usually have series of rain days during the wet season in Japan, but this year we are experiencing far less amount of rain. It’s called kara-tsuyu (empty rain season) around here and we have this kind of wet season every several years.

I decided to take a walk around Iwasaki as I woke up a bit earlier than usual.



It still gets a bit chilly in the morning so I had to put another layer on. It was showering lightly, the sky was covered with thick cloud.

I heard the birds in Iwasaki-yama singing, water running, trains running, and people waking up. Water was running down the channel to fill up the rice fields.



Saw an old lady who I talked to in early Spring taking care of the weeds around her house.
Had a little chat with her and some thoughts came up in mind, so here’s the list of it.

– You shouldn’t get rid of all the weeds at once or soil would be washed by rain.
– That area where some super tall weed growing used to be rice nursery beds. I thought they were all straws for roofs. Straw fields are located higher up the hill/mountain usually.
– Edge of the concrete grounded down with snow prowlers. Loved the shape of it.
– Weeds. They’re all over the place. Just wonder how people used to deal with them when there weren’t any motorized tools. Mystery.
– Saw some wild wisterias in Iwasaki. They’re more like spread apart, less fluffy but more relaxed. Looking pretty.