早かった 藤まつり – Wisteria


普段はゴールデンウィークに桜が咲く秋田でも 4月末には桜が咲いてしまい、ゴールデンウィーク中はなぜか冷える日が続いた。

We’re passing through seasons little to quick.

We usually have Sakura blossum during Golden Week, yet this year we had Sakura in late April followed by unbearable cold weather for about a week.
Now it’s almost getting into rainy season although it’s supposed to be nice and dry till late May.
Melt snow and early rain is filling the canals that’d water the rice fields.


22nd May, I was walking around looking for someone to talk to. Found several cars parked at Chitose-Park. Clouds were running quick and we got showered sometimes.
I went all the way up in Chitose Park where Wisteria blooms but many of them were alreadsy laying on the ground. We had some wind gusts and heavy rain in the last few days.



Wisteria usually blooms in middle of May. I often come across with many of wild wisterias hanging on the tree lines.
Maybe global warming is real. We had them blooming earlier than usual. Therefore had to fall earlier.
But I found some wild ones blooming in allyways in Iwasaki. Maybe it’s a bit chiller by the water.

I’d recommend having a walk around the back too, there’s so much to be discovered.